Monday, February 11, 2013

howl imitation

I saw the best people of my generation living beyond their means

Who drove the brand new cars bought by their parents

I saw the best people of my generation falling into a hole where they are drowning

In the end they earn as much as they could possibly and turn around and spend it foolishly

Driving in the fast lane where they make unnecessary Starbucks stops   

Waiting to drop and hours’ worth of pay on a luxury treat  

Pondering what could be the next major purchase on their triple gold platinum

I saw the best people of my generation conspiring what would be the next move to get ahead

Contemplating weather they can even afford their life style and if how they’re living is worth it

I saw the best people of my generation taking the newest antidepressant

Who research to find what pill can help them become their ideal body
Because if a celebrity can endorse the product it is the real deal

I saw the best people of my generation easing their way into their death beads

Who and what are they are trying to impress is beyond ones pondering question.

I saw the best people of my generation killing themselves on puff at a time

Who can play the game and try to double their losses

But in the end all they have left to is to run

Everything they have ever lived for is gone, in the end material was sold back and they were left begging to survive.

I saw the best people living beyond their means, and those people now have nothing to show


  1. It is funny how material objects are such a big part of American culture. I know I am subject to them.

  2. It really puts things in perspective to think that a Starbuck's drink or treat can equal an hour's worth of pay. It's sickening, really.
